来源:55体育直播2025-03-04 13:49:42今天我们来聊聊nba季后赛主题曲,以下6个关于nba季后赛主题曲的观点希望能帮助到您找到想要的体育资讯。
1、《We Will Rock You》
2、《I still believe》
3、《Don't Stop》
4、《The Game Of Love》
5、《Dig In》
1、 Some Hearts-Carrie Underwood 2006年NBA全明星赛上,当西部明星队领先结束上半场时,久负盛名的“中场秀”开始,美国当红女歌手凯莉•安德伍德出现在球场中央,为全场球迷献上了一曲《SOME HEARTS》。
凯莉•安德伍德是2005年选拔出来的美国偶像,类似于我们中国的超级女生,她也迅速成为美国观众最喜爱的歌手之一。她的歌曲《JESUS》、《TAKE THE WHEEL》连续4周在全美金曲排行榜上排名第一。
2、 Yeah-Usher NBA宣传曲。Usher是当今美国流行乐界最受欢迎的R&B男歌星,也是一名非常年少成名的R&B歌星,特别是他在2001年度和2002年度第44和第45届格莱美颁奖典礼上连续两年获得了最佳R&B男歌手奖。
⊕We Will Rock You——NBA曾用主题曲,版本非常多,NBA里用的是震撼原版,来自乐队Queen ⊕I still believe——NBA一首广告歌曲,来自天后Mariah Carey ⊕Don't Stop——NBA2002-03赛季常规赛的主题曲,来自The Rolling Stones。滚石在2002年的精选集《四十年一舔》中收录了这首歌。他们从当年的学生乐队变成了如今白发苍苍的老家伙,但有一点是没有变的,那就是他们的“恶棍”气质。他们在舞台上依旧如昨的恶狠硬朗的演奏,以及主唱Mick Jagger那依旧不时翻出的大舌头,都在昭示着他们永不停息的精神,而这种永不停息也正象征着NBA那些昔日的球星们——无论时光怎样变迁,他们的辉煌都将永记于世人之心。 ⊕The Game Of Love——同样是一首2002-03赛季的主题曲,来自拉丁摇滚第一吉他手Santana和当红的摇滚女声Michelle。歌名很容易让人想起NBA最耳熟能详的那句口号:I LOVE THIS GAME!当Micheal Jordan完成最后一投而尽情挥舞自己的手臂时,当Vince Carter完成360度转体扣篮而激动地吼叫时,当Iverson投篮连续命中而实现大逆转时,他们心里所想到的第一句话一定是:I LOVE THIS GAME!正如乔丹在NIKE最新的广告片中的台词一样:What is love?What is love? Love is playing every game,if you likes。 ⊕Dig In——NBA2002-03赛季季后赛的主题曲,来自Lenny Kravitz Lenny的名气也许不大,但他的音乐才华却是无人能够忽视。专集《Lenny》为他带来了如Billboard,Grammy,全美音乐节的最佳摇滚歌手。对于一个黑人来讲,能在摇滚乐领域取得这样辉煌的成就已经是相当的不容易了。专集中最惹火的一首歌便是《Dig In》了,而且还被选为了BA2002-03赛季季后赛的主题曲,可能是歌名代表了每一位球员在面对篮框时的心声:“I Just Wanna Dig In!” ⊕Elevation——NBA宣传歌曲,来自U2乐队。众多中锋爆发力十足的灌篮和封盖,以及摘抢篮板时的自信配以Bono霸气的演唱与U2狂放的编曲,充分体现了中锋身上那种如歌名一样的气质---“王者风范”,而歌中的几句歌词也正如中锋们在每次起跳时想要说的话:Higher now In the sky You make me feel like I can fly So high Elevation~ ⊕Can't Stop——NBA宣传歌曲,来自Red Hot Chili Peppers 对于一个后卫来讲最强的杀手锏是什么?毫无疑问——速度。如果说U2的那首歌是为了中锋而做的,那么红辣椒的这首Can't Stop就是做给后卫的了。在Punk-Funk的音乐映衬下,Iverson,Mcgrady,Kobe,Carter等后卫快速的突破,分球,上篮,一定会让所有喜欢速度游戏的球迷惊呼:“让速度快到不能停止!!!” ⊕Fighter——NBA2002-03赛季的季后赛主题曲,来自Christina Aguilera 。虽然Christina的音乐属于POP,但是这首Fighter却是ROCK味道很重的一首歌。歌名Fighter“斗士”恰如其分地诠释了NBA的篮球英雄们。他们就是斗士,篮球场就是他们的战场,他们战斗的目的只有一个——为了他们的信念,为了胜利的信念而战! ⊕Dilemma——NBA宣传曲,来自Nelly和Kelly Rowland 。我自己非常喜欢这首歌,舒服的旋律,MV也很唯美~ 每次NBA比赛间歇播这首歌的时候,心情总是很惬意完全没有歌名本身的味道:dilemma的本意是“进退两难”。 The Corrs--So Young The Corrs 可儿家族合唱团,这首"So Young"就是令The Corrs大红大紫的一首轻松活泼的经典歌曲。 同时也是一首NBA的宣传曲 Outkast--Hey ya 在NBA全明星赛的开场和球员进场时,经常能听到这首歌, 此单曲已连续包揽Billboard 单曲榜冠亚军近两个月 Liz Phair--Why can't I Vanessa Carlton--A Thousand Miles
在NBA2012季后赛中,林肯公园以一首2012最新单曲《Burn It Down》再配上令人血脉贲张的赛场画面,让NBA2012季后赛轰然降临,其势不可挡。 林肯公园新的专辑《Living things》和《Burn it down EP》将于6月份发布。这次很有可能Chester的伤已经愈合,可能会进行中国的三个城市的演唱会。因为他之前是由于背部负伤而停止,所以很有可能会继续演唱会。同时,《Burn it down 》被选为2012年NBA季后赛主题曲。
NBA季后赛主题曲Go Big Or Go Home。歌手:american authors ,发行时间2015年,专辑:EPIC。
Manic Drive - Go Big Or Go Home
Yeah we're making it massive
So tall I'm out of this world
Like I'm intergalactic
I'm calling out to earth
No the sky's not the limit
So everyday, every chance
We put the plan in this planet
I go big x4
Go hot or go cold
Gotta make up your mind
'Cause Houston's got a problem
If you can't pick a side
Oh are you in?
Are you out?
We don't have room for posers
'Cause they'll be slowing us down
While we're rocketing forward
So take a chance
'Cause I'm all in
So take a chance
Just hold on tight and buckle in
The countdown's beginning
So take a chance 'cause I'm all in
Like a man on a mission
It's your move so why you stalling?
Flip the switch start the engine
Pack your bags up if you're leaving
Go big or go home x3
Go big or go, go big or go home
I'm dodging black holes
And I shoot for the stars
No there's no turning back
When we've made it this far
Oh yeah I'm gonna go big
Yeah I'm up for the ruckus
You know I'm never going home
So good luck trying to stop us
So take a chance
'Cause I'm all in
So take a chance
Just hold on tight and buckle in
The countdown's beginning
So take a chance 'cause I'm all in
Like a man on a mission
It's your move so why you stalling?
Flip the switch start the engine
Pack your bags up if you're leaving
Go big or go home x3
Go big or go, go big or go home
Go big or go home
Yeah we're making it massive
So tall I'm out of this world
Like I'm intergalactic
I'm calling out to earth
No the sky's not the limit
So everyday, every chance
We put the plan in this planet
I go big
So take a chance
'Cause I'm all in
So take a chance
Just hold on tight and buckle in
The countdown's beginning
So take a chance 'cause I'm all in
Like a man on a mission
It's your move so why you stalling?
Flip the switch start the engine
Pack your bags up if you're leaving
Go big or go home x3
Go big or go, go big or go home
歌手:Kanye West
专辑:my story (live)
It's amazing
I'm the reason
Everybody fired up this evening
I'm exhausted
Barely breathing
Holding on to what I believe in
No matter what
You'll never take that from me
My reign is as far as your eyes can see
It's amazing, so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing
so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing (Let's go)
I'm a monster
I'm a killer
I know I'm wrong, yeah
I'm a problem
That I never
Ever resolved
And no matter what
You'll never take that from me
My reign is as far as your eyes can see
It's amazing, so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing
so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing (Let's go)
I'm a monster
I'm a maven
I know this world is changing
Never gave in
Never gave up
I'm the only thing I'm afraid of
No matter what
You'll never take that from me
My reign is as far as your eyes can see
It's amazing, so amazing, so amazing, so amazing,
It's amazing so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing.
so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing
so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing
I'm amazing
Yeah I'm all that
If i ain't on my grind
Then what you call that
Yeah we warriors
We make history
Strive of Victory
Standing at my podium
I'm trying watch my sodium
Die high blood pressure
You even let the feds get cha!
I'm amazing
Born on the full moon
I was bred to get in
No spoon
That's why I'm so goose
Summer time, no juice
Big family, small house no rooms
They like oh god!
why you go so hard?
Look what he's been through
He deserves an applause
so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing
so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing
so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing
so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing