来源:55体育直播2025-03-14 04:57:26今天我们来聊聊douglasneitzke,以下6个关于douglasneitzke的观点希望能帮助到您找到想要的体育资讯。
打开百度图片选项。敲入 “ Douglas Neitzke 侧颜 ” 就能看到这张图 名字:Douglas Neitzke 生日:1988年9月26日 身高:185厘米 一半荷兰,一般意大利 血 统 时装模特,回答如满意,望及时采纳
Douglas Neitzke
姓名:Douglas Neitzke
经纪公司:L'Homme de Nathalie (巴黎).
Douglas今年21岁,身高1米85,出生在巴西Campo Mourao,是荷兰和意大利的混血儿。最喜欢与朋友出去玩,还有听音乐。
喜欢的音乐包括:Doors、Reggae Music和House Music。平常喜欢踢球、打游戏和上网。最喜欢吃巴西烧烤,最想去埃及旅游。
2008/09秋冬的米兰和巴黎秀台上,Douglas成了最热门的模特,包括Burberry Prorsum、Marni、Ann Demeulemeester、Dries Van Noten、Lanvin、Number (N)ine等大牌秀上都可以看到他。
道格拉斯·布斯 Douglas Booth,出生于伦敦,英国影视演员、模特,出演过《世间之柱》《穿越时空的古宅》等知名影片。 中文名:道格拉斯·布斯 英文名:Douglas Booth性别: 男出生地: London, England, UK全名: Douglas John Booth昵称: Doug职业: 演员、模特[1]身高:185cm出生日期:1992年7月9日眼睛颜色:淡褐色头发颜色:浅棕色
姓名:Douglas Neitzke 国籍:巴西 职业:模特 生日:1988.9.26 星座:天秤座 身高:185CM 经纪公司:L'Homme de Nathalie (巴黎). 血统:荷兰、意大利 如何发现的:在自己的城市被发现的 最喜欢的事:和朋友一起玩、听歌 最喜欢的歌曲,乐队:Doors、Reggae Music、House Music 爱好:踢足球,电视游戏,上网 最喜欢的食物:巴西烧烤 30岁之前想做的事:结婚 想去的地方:埃及 最近迷上什么:快乐 [编辑本段]更多信息 Name: Douglas Neitzke Agency: L'Homme de Nathalie (Paris). Age: 18 1988 September 26 Height: 6'0", 1.85m Place of Origin: Campo Mourão - PR, Brazil. Ethnic Origin: 1/2 Dutch, 1/2 Italian. Birthsign: Libra. How discovered: Scouting in my city. Favorite things: Stay with my friends for fun, listen songs. Favorite music, band: Doors, Reggae Music, House Music. Hobbies: Play soccer, video game, internet. Favorite foods: Brazilian Barbecue. Something you want to do before age 30: Get married. Place you'd love to visit: Egypt. Currently I'm obsessed about: Being happy 来自hero magazine的采访 Who’s your favourite superhero? Chapolin Colorado. What’s the best thing to eat for breakfast? Cereals with milk and honey. Can you spend hours on the phone or do you like it short and sweet? I prefer to talk in person if I have to talk for hours. What’s the biggest thing you’re looking forward to? Infinite happiness. Who makes the best ice cream? The Italians. How do you like your coffee? Strong with sugar cane. If you could spend the week on the beach, which one would you pick? Florianópolis, Brasil. Do you like the rain falling on your window? For sure, and it’s hot I even put my head out. What makes you smile? Good musicians; peculiar things when I walk around town makes me smile too. What’s your favourite form of transport? Skateboard. What’s your favourite accent? Scottish. Have you ever been on a tractor? Many times with my grandpa. What was the last exhibition you saw? The Dirty Urchins. What’s your favourite film you’d never confess to liking? Pokémon. ---Modelhommes Forum
姓名:Douglas Neitzke 国籍:巴西 职业:模特 生日:1988.9.26 身高:185CM 经纪公司:L'Homme de Nathalie (巴黎). 血统:荷兰、意大利
就是Douglas Neitzke,巴西的,在巴黎沙滩边工作时被杨雅晴索吻的,你可以搜索杨雅晴和Douglas Neitzke就会出现那篇日志,这模特的资料:http://baike.baidu.com/view/2098343.htm 看这里http://baike.baidu.com/view/2802610.htm 2009.08.06 *原来我亲了Douglas Neitzke Douglas Neitzke 就是那个巴西名模